why business use digital marketing

The short answer to the question as to why so many businesses are using Digital Marketing is that ‘companies need to be where their clients are’. A more detailed explanation of online marketing for business comes down to the field of … Channel Marketing and that of Market Segmentation Channel Marketing can be conveniently split Continue Reading…

seo outsourcing company uk

Having a website is now taken as a standard part of a company’s marketing strategy and the task of making sure that the business website is found in the major search engines of the world, i.e. Google, Yahoo & Bing also is something that should always be on the list of things that must be Continue Reading…

seo for business websites

There is now no argument for most business owners whether or not they need to have a website to showcase their products or services to the world in general and specifically to their desired end user target market. Having a website that looks good and that represents the company is of course necessary and website Continue Reading…

online marketing for business

Building a strong online presence for any business isn’t something that can be achieved overnight, it is also important to note that it isn’t something that can be achieved through having a website that represents your business alone. An effective online presence for businesses of all sizes requires an ongoing cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring Continue Reading…

social media marketing strategy

Once you have fought the fight of gaining exposure from your social media advertising and marketing efforts the real work starts with capitalising and building on the success of your efforts made to date. Many businesses work hard and invest a whole lot in developing their social media marketing profiles. However, lots of them often Continue Reading…

how to make your business website effective

Lots of businesses suffer with the fact that their websites have been up and running for a lengthy time, however it is not attracting the quality traffic they expected to obtain. Meanwhile, lots of their competitors are getting all the attention from local consumers, which is painfully taking away business from them. It is fairly Continue Reading…

reputation management strategy

For the face of any business on the internet and the development of its online marketing strategy it is for sure very important to design and develop a high quality website that looks good and that represents your company. The overall objective has to be to convert visitors from the internet to the website into Continue Reading…

digital marketing strategies for business

digital marketing strategies for business

Digital Marketing Strategies need to be developed and implemented for many millions of companies so that they can bring in new leads that are using the internet so that they can turn them fee paying customers in due course. The question of which technology tools of the internet [from the digital marketing suite of tools] Continue Reading…

digital marketing consulting for business

We at Capid Houser execute digital marketing programs for clients after we have consulted with them on their go to market strategy and have an understand of their … Ideal Client Profile Target Market Segments Operating Market Categories. It is only after we have an in depth understanding of the more ‘standard or some say Continue Reading…

b2b and b2c marketing on the internet

When dealing with how appropriate the internet is for developing strategies for either Business to Business or Business to Consumer we at Capid Houser like to go back to the basics of  the basic strategy of the company. Let’s assume that a company is selling it products and services mainly in a Business To Business Continue Reading…

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