Businesses know that they must have website, it is a question of Channel Marketing, i.e. the use of the internet as a Marketing Channel to connect with clients, promote products and to deliver value.
Although the task of running a strategic Search Engine Marketing or SEO campaign is a complex one, clients happily trust us at Capid Houser to use our skills to build their brand and to be their Search Engine Marketing department if you wish. At times we get asked however about the SEO process so here you have it in graphical format.
The digital marketing agency process is conveniently split into 7 steps for the purpose of breaking down what actually is a complicated process, the steps are as follows …..
1) Keyword Research
2) Domain Name.
3) Platform For Developing The Website.
4) Permalinks.
5) SEO Plugins.
6) Content Creation.
7) Social Media.
We will deal with each of these in a little more detail in turn …
Keyword Research :
Is a part of Search Engine Marketing that is often overlooked and the power of understanding keywords is undervalued in terms of the dramatic effect that its understanding can have on a business. We like to stress that marketing on the internet is still marketing !! and the esence of marketing is getting into the mind of the target market segments that a business is looking to sell its products and services to. Keyword Research should be viewed as quality market intelligence and this is one reason why we begin our Digital Online business branding and awareness programs that consists of …
- Website Competitive Analysis
- Search Engine Optimization
- Reputation Management
- Social Media Marketing

… with the first step which is a detailed research and number crunching process that is necessary for us to understand not just our business client but also the presence of the competition on the internet so that we can begin to create compelling and relevant content that is so critical for rankings.
Domain :
In most cases the business client will already have a website and domain setup so this stage will consist of looking at the structure of the website and making necessary technical modifications that may be needed to facilitate the effective ranking of the website.
Website Development Platform : This of course depends on the technical bias of the website developer and in many cases the company will not care about these technical aspects of their Digital Marketing Strategy development. When we consult with clients we advise them that we will be developing our their main business website using wordpress.
Permalinks / SEO Plugins :
For those interested in the more technical aspects of us here at Capid Houser using the wordpress platform for developing websites for businesses, we make sure that the website is setup for interacting with the search engine robots and spiders by adding in relevant plugins and making necessary technical changes within the website. This will be taken care of for our clients.
Content Creation :
This is central to website ranking and another piece of the SEO pie that many people fail to get to grips with, we create content in various formats that is deposited on various platforms that interlink with each other all for the purpose of ensuring your business website is ranked in the search engines.
Social Media Marketing :
Fits into the above and covers video marketing, twitter, facebook, linkedin and other major social media sites where potential clients are congregating for the purpose of joining in the conversation in order to influence, build trust and ultimately build the brand which leads to customer loyalty, increased purchases and revenue generation.
Backlinks :
The content that we create on a daily basis is deposited strategically around the internet with relevant Keyword Rich and Industry Relevant keywords are hyperlinked to point back to the company website as well as to other content that in turn leads back to the company website.
To summarise this discussion it should be noted that everything above is strategically put together on an ongoing basis with company and industry specific content that is created to provide quality details and information designed to provide value to target market segments. In turn this quality content interacts with the search engine robot in order to ensure that business websites are ranked in the major search engines.