digital marketing for distribution channels

The question regarding how useful Digital Marketing is for various areas of Business Development continue to asked by business leaders and marketing professionals and in particular how much of an impact Digital Marketing can have on increasing and improving business when companies are selling to the end user market place via a classic …

Manufacturer/Company  ===> Dealer/Distributor/VARs  ===> End User

… model where the main company sells its products and services to the end users via Distribution Channel Partners. The Dealers, Distributors and Value Added Resellers are largely responsible for interfacing with the clients in terms of product demonstration, dispensing marketing collateral and


in essence they act as the face of the company. Depending on the agreement with the Channel Partner; the Manufacturer may have to deal with the fact that many other competing products are being sold by their Channel Partners and therefore the amount of time that can be given to the active promotion and marketing of their product (the only thing that the manufacturer really care about !) is limited.

The marketing through the Channel Partners (which is traditionally funded partially or in whole by the manufacturer) is what we call “Push Marketing” as the …

  • Brand Awareness
  • Instore Promotions
  • Marketing

… is pushed to the market place via the Channel Partner.

When it comes to the use of Digital Marketing the manufacturer now has the option to use a percentage of the marketing funding paid to the Channel Partners and divert this to a coherent Digital Marketing Strategy. So what should this look like ?

We advocate Pull Marketing where Digital Marketing Strategies (such as Search Engine Optimisation & Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Reputation Management, Video Marketing) are used to raise the awareness of the brand in the market place at large. This in turn will lead to the end user being more aware of the Products/Services that the manufacturer has to offer and of course it is the Channel Partners that will end up fulfilling the market need.

How could this work in reality ? let’s assume we are acting as consultants for you as a manufacturer we could develop a program where our Digital Marketing activities are targeted to each region that is serviced by chosen Channel Partners, the campaign could be developed to drive traffic to each Regional Channel Partner by educating the market place and building the brand by marketing and extolling the virtues of the Products and Services.

Creating Buzz in Local Markets, raising visibility through Search Engine Marketing, Joining the conversation in the Social Networks, educatyion clients through Video Marketing and building the equity of the brand through Strategic Reputation Management Marketing are some of the ways that Digital Marketing could be used to drive business revenues for any manufacturer that is selling its products and services to the end user market place via Channel Partners (Dealers, Distributors, Value Added Resellers).

Should you wish to know more on how we at Capid Houser can help raise the visibility of your business in the marketplace using Digital Internet Marketing Strategies for your Distribution Channel Marketing Business – we at Capid Houser would be glad to hear from you so please do get in touch.

Capid Houser

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